Duy Nguyen (Korea, 2022-23)

Embarking on a year-long study abroad trip in South Korea has been a remarkable journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and personal growth. Through the diverse experiences I had, the breathtaking places I visited, and the incredible people I met, I have been able to cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for Korean culture.

First and foremost, my study abroad experience in South Korea would not have been complete without the invaluable academic journey I embarked upon at Yonsei University. The university provided a nurturing and intellectually stimulating environment that allowed me to forge meaningful connections, delve into challenging coursework, and gain unique insights from professors who were professionals in the fields of political science and international relations. One of the most enriching aspects of my time at Yonsei was the opportunity to form friendships with students from various cultural backgrounds, whether it be international students or full-time Korean students studying there. Interacting with fellow international students and engaging in lively discussions enabled me to develop a global perspective and challenged my preconceived notions. Through collaborative projects, late-night study sessions, and cultural exchanges, we not only expanded our knowledge but also fostered deep bonds that transcended borders. The diverse friendships I formed at Yonsei have taught me the value of embracing different perspectives and finding common ground amidst our cultural differences.

The academic rigor at Yonsei was unparalleled, and the courses in political science and international relations were particularly enlightening. The professors, who were experts in their respective fields, brought a wealth of knowledge and real-world experience into the classroom. Their lectures, discussions, and thought-provoking assignments pushed me to think critically, challenge assumptions, and broaden my understanding of global affairs. The dynamic learning environment at Yonsei not only expanded my intellectual capacity but also cultivated essential skills such as analytical thinking, effective communication, and cross-cultural understanding. The unique insights I gained from professors who were professionals in the field of political science and international relations were invaluable. Their firsthand experiences and practical knowledge added depth and relevance to the subjects we studied. I had the privilege of engaging in discussions on topics such as regional geopolitics, diplomatic negotiations, and global governance. Their guidance and mentorship encouraged me to explore my own research interests and provided me with a deeper understanding of the complexities of international relations. The exposure to such high-caliber educators has not only shaped my academic pursuits but has also instilled in me a commitment to lifelong learning and a desire to make a positive impact in the field.

Nami Island, nestled amidst the picturesque Chuncheon region, became my sanctuary away from the bustling city life. As I wandered along its enchanting tree-lined paths, I found myself captivated by the natural beauty and serene atmosphere that permeated the island. Being able to experience this serene island with some of the friends I made here me feel happy and calm. From there, a visit to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) proved to be an unforgettable and thought-provoking experience. Standing at the border between North and South Korea, I felt a palpable sense of history and the weight of a divided nation. Engaging with individuals who had lived through the aftermath of war brought a profound realization of the importance of empathy, understanding, and unity. On a fun note, my visit to LOL Park, a prominent esports stadium, introduced me to the vibrant and passionate world of gaming culture in Korea. Witnessing the intense dedication and skill of professional gamers, I gained a newfound respect for esports as a legitimate form of entertainment and competition. This experience broadened my perspective on what constitutes a valid passion and taught me to appreciate the diverse interests and talents of others. It also revealed the powerful sense of community and camaraderie that can be forged through shared hobbies. Inspired by my time at LOL Park, I now strive to celebrate and support unique interests within my own circles, encouraging open-mindedness and fostering an inclusive environment.

My year-long study abroad trip in South Korea has been a deeply personal and transformative experience. Through my encounters on Nami Island, at the DMZ, in LOL Park, and on Jeju Island, I have grown to appreciate and respect Korean culture in profound ways. Each experience has left an indelible impact on my worldview, shaping me into a more empathetic, open-minded, and culturally aware individual. As I reflect on my time in South Korea, I am reminded of the beauty and significance of embracing diverse cultures and traditions. South Korea will forever hold a special place in my heart as the backdrop for my personal transformation.