Brianna Angulo (France, 2022-23)

Studying abroad offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, cultural immersion, and academic enrichment. One of the most challenging aspects I encountered during my study abroad experience was adjusting to a new culture and language. Everything felt foreign and unfamiliar, from daily customs to social norms. Learning a new language required significant effort, but with persistence and immersion, I gradually adapted and became more comfortable communicating in the local language. The most surprising aspect of my study abroad experience was the warmth and friendliness of the people at Sciences Po and the broader community. The faculty, staff, and fellow students were incredibly supportive and went out of their way to ensure everyone's success. The courses at Sciences Po differed from those at my home university, UCSD, regarding their engaging nature and emphasis on stimulating discussion. The smaller class sizes allowed for more interaction and personalized attention from professors. The academic environment encouraged critical thinking, diverse perspectives, and in-depth analysis, fostering a deeper understanding of the subjects. Their genuine interest in cultural exchange and academic growth fostered a welcoming and inclusive environment.

One unforgettable experience from my study abroad journey was my visit to Morocco. The trip allowed me to immerse myself in a vibrant culture, explore breathtaking landscapes, and engage in thrilling adventures. From wandering through bustling markets to riding camels across the Sahara Desert, the experience was both eye-opening and transformative.

Through my study abroad experience, I learned a great deal about myself. I discovered that I could adapt to new environments, overcome challenges, and embrace unfamiliar situations. In addition, the experience instilled in me a sense of confidence and resilience, demonstrating that with determination and strength, anything is possible.

I wholeheartedly recommend studying abroad to students back home. It offers unparalleled personal and academic growth, broadens horizons, and fosters cross-cultural understanding. While a semester-long program can be transformative, I strongly recommend a full year abroad. A longer duration allows for deeper immersion in the local culture, an opportunity to travel extensively, and establish meaningful connections. During my study abroad year, I was fortunate to visit more than 11 countries, enriching my understanding of the world.

My study abroad experience has reinforced and refined my career plans. Being exposed to diverse cultures and engaging in international dialogue fueled my passion for diplomacy. Witnessing the power of effective communication and cultural understanding, I am now more determined than ever to pursue a career in diplomacy, where I can bridge gaps and foster collaboration on a global scale.

My study abroad experience was filled with challenges, surprises, personal growth, and unforgettable moments. It broadened my perspectives, deepened my understanding of different cultures, and solidified my aspirations for the future. Studying abroad is an invaluable journey I recommend to all students seeking personal, academic, and professional development.