
Sage Gregory (Scotland 2020-21)

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Sage Gregory is a UC Davis mathematics major, and will be studying abroad at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Through her prior experiences, she has learned that “the world is the greatest classroom” and is looking forward to maximizing her education through new experiences, the discovery of new places, and full immersion in the Scottish culture. Sage chose St. Andrews specifically so that she could have an overseas adventure while also being able to learn from a world renowned mathematics program. She hopes to continue to explore the applications of math and narrow down her interests and career prospects. Outside of the classroom, Sage has been a member of the Napa County Sheriff's Search and Rescue team and has worked to teach children to have respect for nature and the environment through a farm-based summer camp. She hopes to be able to have an impact on the community of St. Andrews in a similar manner.

Sage was unable to fulfill her study abroad plans due to the pandemic.

Yulin Ma (Scotland 2018-19)

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Yulin Ma is a Human Development major studying at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. At UCSD, Yulin was part of the Asian and Pacific-Islander Student Alliance (APSA), helping them with their annual high school conference, an event which aimed to give high school students from underserved communities in San Diego a chance to experience college. Because she is a first-generation student herself, Yulin is passionate about working with youths who are unfamiliar with the process of navigating higher education. In the future, she would like to become a school psychologist in inner city schools. She is excited to be spending a year abroad and experiencing a new culture. She writes, "In my major, human development, there is a heavy emphasis on the compromise between nature and nurture in the influence of development; our genetic disposition controls only so much of our life's trajectory, and experience can heavily shape who we become. Studying abroad has always been a dream of mine because what I had always valued the most in life was experiencing all that I can."

Alice Wagner (Scotland, 2004-05)

Alice Wagner is spending her third year as a Biology major at the University of Edinburgh, after a brief vacation with friends in Italy and France. She chose Edinburgh because of its unique ecosystem that will afford her opportunities for field studies not available at UC San Diego, and because of the university’s large and varied science program that may help her explore new options for her future. Alice had previously traveled abroad as a member of the California Youth Symphony and Main Street Singers. She packed her clarinets and hopes to be able to join an orchestra or choir while in Scotland. Her early impressions are of the beauty of the historic city, of a flat and green landscape, of participating in “Scotland’s second national sport: standing in a queue without making eye contact” (“If you don’t see the queue, look for one.”), and of living with flatmates from all over the world.

Austin Leininger (Scotland, 1998-99)

Since returning from the University of Stirling in Scotland, Austin has completed his degree at UCSD, graduating magna cum laude in Religious Studies with a minor in Classical Dance (Ballet). Currently, Austin works days as Senior Technical Writer at Intel Corp. and nights and weekends as pre-seminary intern at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church where he is discerning a call to holy orders (studying to become an Episcopal Priest). Austin hopes to start Seminary school where he will be working toward a double masters — an MDiv (Master of Divinity needed for ordination), and an MA in Biblical Languages which he hopes to take on to the PhD level. Though he has not found a dance studio since leaving San Diego in 2000, Austin continues to hone his balance and poise by studying Goju Ryu Traditional Okinawan Karate in which he is currently a purple-belt. Though Austin currently lives in San Jose, CA, he hopes to move back to Scotland for a couple of years after ordination.