Drew Shinozaki (Japan, 2023-24)

Drew Shinozaki is a third-year English major at UC Berkeley studying abroad at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. Drew is thrilled to immerse herself in Japan while pursuing a deeper knowledge of  the field of literary translation. She hopes to closely study how cross-cultural academia affects the perception of specific literary texts. With her understanding of Western society and values, she is excited to witness first-hand how easily interpretations of literature can differ due to culture, mindset, and untranslatable nuances only truly understood in their original languages. Drew is passionate about creative writing and psychological fiction and plans to improve her understanding of Japanese while also gaining a more complex awareness of how to realistically write East-Asian narrators in her short stories. At Waseda, Drew has connected with fellow Borton Scholar Sophia Chang as well as family members she had never met before. Drew writes, “I met my family from Japan! It was a really touching experience to finally get the chance to meet my father’s side of the family. They are very kind, and I love them a lot. In Japan, young people have a coming-of-age celebration where they visit a shrine in kimono. However, since my 20th birthday has already passed, they plan to hold a coming-of-age celebration for me on my 21st birthday instead. I am very grateful and honored to have that experience next year.”